Calling All Members!
If you haven’t already renewed your membership, please visit our site and renew. For $36 a year, you get a discount on admission to all talks and many other benefits, including getting to advertise on our website! Don’t delay, renew today! So if you have any questions about who we are and what we do, or want to suggest a topic for a future program or apply to speak, please direct all future correspondence to one of these current AAZ Board members:
Bill Nastasiak (Vice President)
Mary Katherine Kracht (Treasurer)
Robert Wilkinson (President and Editor of AAZ Newsletter) 📷
Due to dynamic earth and life changes resulting in Covid-19, health, political, financial, chaos; We realize the hardships many souls are experiencing. Because of the severity of the pandemic and the continued national and local physical distancing we no longer meet at The Astrology Store in Glendale, opting to connect with you via Zoom Webinar technology. Please consider a donation to support our organization. To make a payment for membership.
by continuing and clicking on "Buy Now" to purchase a membership, you agree to the Astrology Arizona "Terms of Use" and "Privacy Policy" pages of this website
We prorate membership at $3/month.
Your support and membership payment will enable us to meet our goals. Thank you!
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