AAZ is happy to host Lynn Koiner in a discussion about seeing your parents' past in your chart!
Our September 28 presentation features internationally known and loved astrologer Lynn Koiner who will be giving us a fascinating look at Regressing Your Chart Into Your Parents’ Past.
This is a technique she developed decades ago which is “an easy technique whereby one can regress a chart back in time and predict events occurring in the lives of the parents and grandparents.” She says “this is an easy technique that even a beginning student can learn” which gives insights into what happened before we were born.
As usual, we’re charging $10 for members, $15 for non-members. You can register at https://azastrologers.org/.
I have no doubt it’s going to be another excellent discussion, and we hope you will join us for this event, since “what one astrologer misses another catches.”